Sunday, April 1, 2012


Being 74, I've got plenty of memories, some that have faded, some that will never fade.  I remember building things with my friends in the neighborhood...building forts, tree houses, building trucks to carry things, building softball fields, just always building things and playing games such as cops and robbers or cowboys and indians.

I remember getting in trouble and suspended from school for a day because a friend and I were goofing off in the cafeteria, tossing milk bottles back and forth, when my friend dodged it and the bottle rolled right into the principals office.  And another day, tossing pennies at the swimmers performing an aquatics show at school, getting caught and once again sent to the principal's office.

If you ask me where I was when Kennedy was assassinated, I can tell you that it was my birthday that day, and I was at work, getting ready to go out to dinner that evening. Everything closed up for the evening, the news of Kennedy's death was so shocking to every one.  The assassinations of JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Robert F Kennedy, the first time John Glenn went up in space...just so many amazing memories.  But if I was asked what my favorite memory would be, I'd have to say the following event:

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